Tuesday, May 14, 2013

    It's been an interesting day around the web. I read an article about the wild horse round ups being handled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This is a controversial activity that has been going regularly for some time. The article pointed out that the program is failing. There are now more wild horses in captivity, being held by the BLM, than currently in the wild. This fails for both horses and taxpayers. Sadly, I do believe it is necessary to prevent over populations. Livestock and resource development take up the largest percentage of public land use. Leaving wildlife only a fraction of nature for the use that it was meant to have. Cattlemen in the article suggest that the horses should be dispensed with (as they have no use, probably along with all the rest of the wildlife that doesn't directly enable cattle farming), and even go so far as to say that slaughtering for human consumption should be considered. It is as shameful as suggesting that the bald eagle is just a bird, and if it is in our way we should just 'dispense with it'. There are few animals in this country as magnificent as a mustang.
Read the article. Research the abuse by the BLM. If even one of the "accidents" or "incidents" occurred it is too many. http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/03/17588942-cruel-or-necessary-the-true-cost-of-wild-horse-roundups?lite
  In other news, I've just read an article on Forbes' website about an app for your phone that helps you to boycott the Koch Brothers and Monsanto. Did you know that Angel Soft toilet paper was a Koch product? I didn't. It makes me wonder what else is out there that I'm using that puts more money in their hands. Money they use to fund the underpinnings of the American middle class. For more information this app (which I will be acquiring as soon as I can find it for my Iphone) check out this websiteApp article at Forbes

 Finally, Chicken McNuggets. Last week a friend send me a picture of some pink goo, reminiscent of  playdough. The goo was supposed to be uncooked, unformed chicken Mcnuggets, which happen to be a favorite of mine (hmmm does Koch own a piece of that too?). This evening I thought I should look the image up on Snopes. This is what I found. Which came First the Slime or the McNugget?

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